Feel confident your condo is protected with home coverage for your condo.


Your condo corporation’s insurance generally covers the main structure and common areas. But some items are your responsibility, such as your belongings, any unit improvements and betterments, loss assessments, etc. Our Global Amount Coverage is designed to fill these gaps. We'll work with you to determine an appropriate limit for your belongings and then provide 10x that amount for unit improvements and betterments, loss assessments and additional living expenses.

Type and size

Your condo type and size have unique risks. Insurers will evaluate your unit accordingly.

Unit construction features

This includes the type of electrical, plumbing, heating, and special construction elements.


Location has a big impact on rates. Do you live in areas with high crime rates, theft, vandalism


Do you use your condo for business? Do you rent it out? Do you use it as an Airbnb? You’ll need additional coverage.

Contents coverage and replacement

Coverage limits, your personal contents and other improvements

Renovation work

Have you made changes to your unit? Renovation work can increase or lower your rates.your deductible is a factor.